
General Business Terms and Conditions

1. General rules

1.1. Present “General Business Terms and Conditions” regulate the use of the lodgings and related services provided by the Service provider.

1.2. Special, unique conditions do not constitute part of the indicated General Business Terms and Conditions, but do not exclude drawing up special agreements with tour operators, organisers, from time to time with conditions adjusting to the type of the business.

2. Contracting party

2.1. The services provided by the Service provider are used by the Guest.

2.2. In the event if an order for services is placed directly with the Service provider, the Guest is qualified the Contracting party. The Service provider and the Guest jointly – if the terms and conditions are met – become contracting parties (hereinafter Parties).

2.3. In the event if an order for services is placed with the Service provider by a third party commissioned by the Guest (hereinafter Agent) the terms and conditions of the cooperation shall be regulated by the contract concluded between the Service provider and the Agent. In this case the Service provider is not obliged to examine if the representation of the Guest by the third party is lawful.

3. The contract, the reservation, modifications, obligation for notification

3.1. Upon written or verbal inquiry by the Guest, Service provider makes an offer. If no order is placed within 120 hours of sending the offer, the obligation of the Service provider for the offer ceases to be binding.

3.2. The Contract enters into effect when the Service provider confirms in writing the verbal or written booking of the Guest, and as such is qualified a Contract concluded in writing. Any booking, agreement, modification or the confirmation of these by the Service provider are not qualified as contracts.

3.3. The Contract on the use of accommodation-services is concluded for a definite period of time.

  1. If the Guest checks out prior to the end of the definite period of time, the Service provider is entitled to the full value of the service set down in the Contract. The Service provider is entitled to sell the free room before the contracted period of stay.
  2. The Service provider needs to previously approve any extension of the use of the accommodation-service that is initiated by the Guest.

In this case the Service provider may request the payment of the fee of the already provided services.

3.4. The Contract can only be modified and/or complemented by a written agreement signed by the Parties.

4. Terms of cancellation

4.1. Unless otherwise determined by the Service provider in its offer, the accommodation- service can be cancelled without a penalty payment obligation till 2 p.m. local time on the 14rd day before of arrival. In case of groups of 15 or more, 30 days before of arrival, the accommodation- service can be cancelled without a penalty payment obligation till 2 p.m. local time on the 30rd day before of arrival.

  • a.    If Contracting party has not ensured the use of the accommodation-services by advance payment, credit card guarantee, or any other contractual way, the Service provider’s obligation for providing services shall cease after 2 p.m. local time on the 5rd day before of arrival.
  • b.    If the Contracting party has ensured the use of the accommodation-services by advance payment, credit card guarantee, or any other contractual way but does not check in till midnight local time on the day of arrival and does not inform the Service provider about the late arrival, the Service provider shall charge a fees set in the contract but at least one night’s accommodation rate as a penalty. In this case the accommodation is reserved for the Contracting party till 12:00 following the arrival day, after which date the obligation of the Service provider for rendering services shall cease.

4.2. In case of reservation of products with special terms, group arrivals or events, the Service provider shall establish different terms set down in an individual Agreement.

6. Rates

6.1. The Service provider’s room rates (Rack Rate) are on display in the hotel rooms or the front office of the hotel. The price lists of other services are available at departments.

6.2. The Service provider reserves the right to change its published rates without prior notification.

6.3. When publishing its rates the Service provider shall indicate the tax content of the rates (VAT, Local Tax) valid at the time of the offer in line with the regulations of the law. The Service provider shall transfer all surplus burdens arising from the amendment of the prevailing tax law (VAT, Local Tax) to the Contracting party following notification thereof.

6.4. You will find discounts, special rates and offers at spirithotel.eu.

8. Payment terms, guarantee

8.1. The value of the services provided by the Service provider are to be paid by the Contracting party following the use of the services and prior to departure from the hotel, however, based on special agreement there may be a possibility for subsequent payment.

8.2. To guarantee the contractual use of the services provided and the payment of the value of the services the Service provider may;

  • a.    request advance payment for a part or the full participation fee

8.3. The Contracting party can effect payment in HUF and/or

  • a.    any currency indicated to be accepted by the Service provider. In such a case conversion and billing is made at the current foreign currency buying rate of the bank where the account of Service provider is kept valid on the Guests’ day of arrival.
  • b.    the Service provider accepts certain means of payment other than cash ( travelling checks, and based on a separate agreement; coupons, vouchers, etc.), the updated list of which is available to the Contracting party if requested.

8.4. Any costs related to any payment method are to be born by the Contracting party.

9. Terms and conditions of using the hotel services

9.1. The Guest can check in on the day of arrival after 2 p.m., and is requested to check out on the departure day before 10 a.m., except in the cases if the Service provider allow to avail the Guest of an Early check in, or Late check out according to a prior agreement.

9.2. Should the guest wish to occupy the room before 14 p.m. on the day of arrival the previous night is going to be charged too.

10. Pets

10.1. Pets can generally be taken to the hotel of the Service provider at a charge of € 15,-. They can be kept in the rooms and use the common areas to access the rooms under the supervision of the Guest, however, they cannot be taken to any other premises.

10.2. The Guest will be held fully liable for the damages caused by his/her pet. The Guest is fully responsible for the losses caused by the pet, and must pay the fee for the extra cleaning if it is necessary, the amount of which fee is included in the valid price list.

11. Rejecting the performance of the Contract, ceasing of the obligation to provide services

11.1. The Service provider is entitled to withdraw from the Contract on providing accommodation-service without delay, and reject rendering the services if:

  • a.    the Guest does not use the room or the building rendered for his use properly,
  • b.    the Guest does not observe the security and order of the accommodation place, behaves with the employees in an objectionable rough manner, is under the influence of alcohol or drugs and displays a menacing, offensive or otherwise unacceptable conduct,
  • c.    the Guest has a contagious disease,
  • d.    the Contracting party does not meet his/her advance payment obligation till the set deadline

11.2. In the event if the Contract between the parties is not performed due to “vis major” the Contract expires.

14. Rights of the Contracting party

14.1. Pursuant to the Contract the Guest is entitled to the proper use of the ordered room and establishments of the accommodation place that belong to the usual service sphere, and are not under the effect of special conditions.

14.2. The Guest may complain about the performance of the services provided by the Service provider during his/her stay at the accommodation place. The Service provider is obliged during this period to handle complaints justifiably sent to him in writing (or minuted by him).

14.3. Any right of the Guest for complaint terminates after departing from the accommodation place.

15. Obligations of the Contracting party

15.1. The Contracting party is obliged to settle the value of the contractually ordered services until the date and with the method laid down in the Contract.

15.2. The Guest ensures that children under the age of 14 belonging to his responsibility shall stay in the hotel of the service provider only under adult supervision. The parents are fully responsible for the damages caused by the children belonging to them.  The responsibiliy of supervision is belonging to the parents in this respect.

15.3. The Guest shall not bring in any of his own food or drink to any units of the hotel.

16. Compensation liability of the Contracting party

The Guest shall be held liable for all damages and inconvenience suffered by the Service provider or a third person out of the fault of the Guest, his escort or any person(s) belonging to his responsibility. The Guest is liable to pay for the damage caused to the Supplier. This liability remains to be in effect even if the aggrieved has the right to claim compensation of his damages directly from the Service provider.

17. Rights of the Service provider

In the event if the Guest does not live up to his fee payment obligation related to the used or contractually ordered but not used services carrying a penalty, the Service provider – to ensure his claim – has a right of pledge on the Guest’s personal belongings he has taken with him to the hotel.

18. Obligations of the Service provider

The Service provider shall;

  • a.    perform the accommodation and others services ordered based on the Contract in line with the valid stipulations and service standards,
  • b.    examine the written claim of the Guest and take steps to remedy the problem which is also to be recorded in writing.

19. Compensation liability of the Service provider

19.1. The Service provider shall be liable for all damages suffered by the Guest caused within the establishment by the Service provider or his employee.

  1. The Service provider shall not be liable for damages that are the result of an unavoidable cause beyond the control of the employees and the guests of the Service provider or they have been caused by the guest himself.
  2. The Service provider may designate places in the hotel that Guests may not enter. The Service provider will not be held liable for any damages or injuries caused in such places.
  3. Guests shall report to the hotel any damages suffered and provide the Rezidencia 96 kft. all data necessary for clearing the claim, perhaps to be included in the police report/ police procedures.

19.2.2. The Supplier does not accept responsibility for the property left in the car in the car park of theh Supplier, also, the Supplier examines the case of damage done to the cars parking there, and if the damage is caused by negligence by the Supplier, it is compensating for it.

19.3. The extent of indemnification is five times the sum of the contractual daily room rate, except if the damage is less than that.

19.4. The Supplier shall not be liable for the properties left in other areas of the hotel.

20. Secrecy

In the course of performing its contractual obligations the Service provider is obliged to act in line with the Act LXIII. of 1992 on the Protection of Personal Data and the Disclosure of Information of Public Interest and the legal provisions related to data protection – and if the Contracting party has informed the Service provider thereof – the related internal regulations of the Contracting party.

21. Vis major

Any reason or circumstance (e.g.: war, fire, flood, rigours of weather, power shortage, strike) beyond the control of the party (vis major), excuses any party from performing the obligations set in the Contract until this reason or circumstance exists. Parties agree to do everything in their power to limit the possibility of these reasons or circumstances occurring to the minimum and to remedy the damage or delay caused by them as soon as possible.

22. Jurisdiction, governing law

To the legal relationship between the Service provider and the Contracting party provisions of the Hungarian Civil Code shall apply. In any legal dispute arising from the service contract, the court authorised at the location where the services are provided is declared to have competence in handling the issue.

23. Website

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